Earlier this month, I gave a short presentation at the Big Data and Urban Informatics Workshop, which took place at UIC (University of Illinois in Chicago). My presentation was an abridged version of a paper that I prepared for the workshop. In due course, I plan to publish the full paper, possibly as a CASA […]
Search: “citydashboard”
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London Words
Above is a Wordle of the messages displayed on the big dot-matrix displays (aka variable message signs) that sit beside major roads in London, over the last couple of months. The larger the word, the more often it is shown on the screens. The data comes from Transport for London via their Open Data Users […]
A Census for Open Data in Cities
The Open Knowledge Foundation (OKFN) have produced a census for government open data availability for countries around the world, known as the Open Data Index. Each country is assigned scores for 10 attributes on openness and accessibility for each of 10 types of data (such as election results and pollution information). Currently the United Kingdom […]
At CASA we’ve always been keen on marrying the online with the tangible – such as the London Data Table (a real table, cut in the shape of London, showing live London data), PigeonSim (fly around a Google Earth view augmented with real-time information) and a couple of 3D printers, one of which was used […]
I worked for four years (from July 2010 to August 2014) as a researcher/software developer at CASA, a multi-disciplinary research & development (R&D) lab at UCL, where I had flexibility and resource to be able to produce all kinds of geographic visualisations, many of which are listed below. Some even still work! Bike Share Map: […]
A Periodic Table for London
Here is a webpage that uses my own CityDashboard API*, to build a Periodic-Table inspired “data artwork” of live London information, as a series of coloured square panels on a website. The squares update regularly with fresh information, and throb red (or blue) if there are particularly extreme values present. As an artwork, it’s deliberately […]
A Room for London
I was lucky enough to get invited for dinner last night at A Room for London which is a boat/artwork perched on the top of the Queen Elizabeth Hall on South Bank (beside Waterloo Bridge), to discuss CityDashboard in the context of a future project, Big Data in the Londonscape. Thank you very much to […]
WhereCampEU 2012
I was at the third WhereCampEU “unconference” which took place in Amsterdam over the last weekend of April, following previous editions in London and Berlin which I was also at. The meeting was an ideal opportunity for me to feature CityDashboard which I unveiled at the CASA Smart Cities conference a week before, and to […]
The London Data Table
The London Data Table was one of my personal favourites from the exhibition accompanying the CASA “Smart Cities” conference which took place at the University of London last Friday. The concept was thought up by Steven Gray and it consists of a wooden table, cut by programmable lathe into the outline of London. A special […]
Here are the colour ramps I am using for numeric measures in the recently launched CityDashboard (which by the way now has a new URL – http://citydashboard.org/): The colours have been designed to be clearly distinguishable from the white text that is on top of them. Here is the PHP code that I’m using to […]